The Wait Is Over.

Finally, a website package specifically designed for busy contractors. Contractors who put in 12 hour days, come home and then take their kids to hockey. Contractors who regularly put in 16 hour days. Contractors who want a site that ranks on Google and gets them customers, but don't have time to go back and forth with their webdesigner building the "perfect site". This package is for Contractors who want someone to build out their whole site - with minimal work for them. Get the 72hr SEO Website Package and:

  • Get your website up and running in 72 hours - guaranteed
  • Spend less than an hour getting materials for your site - guaranteed.
  • Have your website up and running even if you get busy and don't send me anything - guaranteed.

Get your site today. 

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72hr SEO Website Package

SEO ready website, ready in 72 hours. Includes initial SEO setup, custom domain setup, images and text. Ready to launch when delivered. (More details below)

899.00 CAD

Thank you for your purchase

Have a great day!

Bonus! Book in March and get:

Free custom email setup (, SEO keyword report, SEO blog post, 50 backlinks (great for SEO!), PDF guide for getting great testimonials, and a 30 minute website training training session. 

Don't have a business name or logo yet?
As an extra bonus I will help you choose a name with a matching website AND help you make a logo.

Absolutely everything you need to launch. (And then some!)


72 Hour Guarantee

Once I have received your brand info and images, your site will be live in 72 hours or it's free.

*Note - 72 hours is weekday only. 

Stupid Simple Guarantee

If you follow my process, it won't take you more than an hour of your time to get me the info to build your website. If it takes more than 1 hour to get materials for me, I will pay you $100/hr for your time. (Check out our process below.)

*Up to a max of $300 credit applied to purchase

Get 'Er Dun Guarantee

Life gets busy. If you can't get all the materials to me within 7 days of purchase, you still get a live website within 10 days.

I will work with what I've got and figure out the rest. (And it'll still rank and look great.)

Our Process

  1. Buy the package
    I'll send you an email with a form to fill out and some stuff to send to me. (Pictures, logos etc.)
  2. Confirm details
    We'll have a 30 minute call to confirm the details, buy a domain name if needed etc. 
  3. Site gets built
    I build your site. You sit back and sip a coffee - or continue to work 16 hour days - whatever floats your boat.
  4. Site training
    We'll take 30 minutes to go over how to use your site - so if you ever want to add photos etc you can.

And that's it. Riciulously simple, fast and efficient.